Mob Psycho 100

Drink Description (Synopsis)

Mob Psycho 100 is a manga by ONE (author of One Punch Man) about a 14 year old middle schooler named Kageyama Shigeo, nicknamed "Mob" due to an alternate reading of the kanji for his name. He is an esper with extrodinarily strong psychic powers, but he struggles with expressing himself andrepressing his emotions. When his emotions reach a certain point, he "explodes", both emotionally and psychically with his powers.

Mob Psycho 100 is an action-comedy-slice of life sorta series that takes shounen tropes and subverts them really well. Don't let the comedy and slice of life fool you, because there are scenes that might make you cry. I cried. It really is a great series that deserve so much love, infinite love, even.

Why I Love Mob Psycho 100

Long story short: This series probably saved my life, so if you bully it, I will end yours/hj.

Long story long: The setting is Summer, 2016. I am 13, an incoming 8th grader in an American public middle school. I am about to enter the most depressed year of my life due to a ten-month Accutane perscription. I have a Crunchyroll subscription because my mother is a pushover and cannot say no to me if I try hard enough. I know this and only abuse it for special things. Like a Crunchyroll subscription. I get an email from Crunchyroll about shows and whatever and I see it. I see Mob Psycho 100 with its synopsis and promotional art and I am intrigued. There are already a few episodes out, from what I can recall. I sit down and start my binge. The opening action sequence is mesmerizing. Then the opening song and animation plays and I am encapsulated by the neon cotton candy cityscape dancing across my screen. I feel my brain tingle in satisfaction. The vocals are strong. The sound is textured just the way I like it. I feel like I'm on drugs watching the psychadelic transitions of seemingly random objects (that will prove relevant upon a rewatch), despite having never tried any illicit substances. I watch episode 1, episode 2, this show is unlike anything I've watched thus far. I hate Reigen, but I see his potential for good. I love the opening. I watch episode 3 and for the first time in my life, I am able to understand my relationship with my emotions. I see the show break it down into something so simple, and my body feels electrified because for the first time in my life, I am able to look at a character and say that they are just like me. I am able to see my struggles through a fictional lens. I am hooked from there, and have been ever since.

I just got a 150 on the RAADS-R so I think I can safely say that I'm autistic lmao

Ingredients (Characters)
  • Mob
  • Reigen
  • Ritsu
  • Dimple
  • Teru
  • Shou
  • Serizawa
  • Tome
  • Tsubomi
  • Minor Characters

Add Ons (Relationship Analysis)
  • Teruki/Mob
  • Reigen and Mob and Shigeo
  • Ritsu and Mob and Shigeo
  • Tsubomi and Mob
  • Mob and Shigeo
  • Dimple and Mob